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Image courtesy of State Library/Archives of Florida

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. We know this because of the movie “A League of Their Own”, and because of that movie and Tom Hanks we are now incapable of crying from spring training through the end of the World Series. Frankly, the concern that Hanks might show up on our doorstep and berate us for shedding some tears during baseball season paralyzes us with fear. No, really. Paralyzed.

But we’re not here to talk about baseball diamonds, or diamonds at all really. We’re here to talk about Mills Menser and Buchroeder’s Jewelry. Mills is a good friend, and client, of ours. Like Dr. Hana, Mills was recently profiled on MO.com. And like Dr. Hana, he also has some fantastic insight into business; and that the key isn’t capital, inventory, or many other things you would think would be at the top of the list (though, they’re certainly up there):

“…the key is customer satisfaction or exceeding their expectations, because that’s so much better than traditional marketing. That’s going to bring so many more people back in. We pamper our customers and have a huge selection and then strive to be better.” – Mills Menser

It always comes back to how you treat other people. The Golden Rule in play, all these years later. Mills’ commitment to his customers is a huge reason Buchroeder’s is as successful as it is; and why his entrepreneurial enterprises are flourishing. We encourage you to connect with Mills on Buchroeder’s Facebook and Twitter feeds, and check out their website (which we built. Pardon us for patting ourselves on the back). It’s rare to find someone with an understanding that a commitment to customers is absolutely vital to maintaining, and growing, your business. Connect with Mills and Buchroeder’s to experience that intimate level of customer service.