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When we’re creating content in WordPress (i.e. posts, new pages, etc.) it’s a pretty straightforward process. We won’t get into the magic of our creative ability here, but suffice it to say WordPress has always made publishing content to the web a breeze. With its latest release, nicknamed “Oscar” for jazz pianist Oscar Peterson, what was already easy has been made simple.

With earlier version of WordPress you needed to use iFramesĀ to place a video or an audio clip. Not anymore. Simply past a link to the video you want to share and hit the publish button. Presto. Your media is instantly embedded into your post. While this may not seem like a huge deal, it is a big time saver. It also makes posting media much more accessible to those who may not be as tech savvy as others.

There’s a lot to be excited about here, and WordPress lays out everything you need to know here. There is one added feature that we are, quite frankly, absolutely giddy over and chose the photo of Oscar over there because this feature truly deserves an award. If we had a dollar for everytime we were writing a post and accidentally closed out of a page…the computer froze…the computer died…and what we were working on was lost because we hadn’t saved yet we would be buying most of the Caribbean. The new autosave feature is one of our top 5 most favorite innovations EVER, and isĀ introduced in WordPress 3.6. There’s really no excuse for not saving your work as you go, but we get in that creative groove and the next thing you know the dog has jumped on your lap and closed the window. Along with that perfect sentence you’ve been struggling with for the last 30 minutes. Much anger.

As with all new WordPress releases, we’ll be upgrading our client’s websites as quickly as we can so they can enjoy the sweetness. Here’s hoping you enjoy the wonderful things Oscar has to offer.

Image: Davidlohr Bueso via Flickr CC 2.0