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Branding is a part of what we do here at Caledon Virtual. It is a delicate process to get a brand situated just right in the public’s mind, or getting that logo to the point you’re confident it won’t have to be changed for at least a year or two. A guy that had a really great handle on how to make a logo last was Saul Bass. Designer Christian Annyas put together an amazing post about the longevity of Bass’ work. He determined that the average life of a Saul Bass logo is an astounding 34 years. Go look at that post. You’ll recognize many, if not all, of those logos.

Longevity is something we strive for every day. Longevity in our life, relationships, jobs, you name it. A well crafted brand CAN last for decades. It takes hard work, patience, and a TON of planning. You have to know your audience. Not just your audience right now, but what that audience will be like in 10 or 15 years. Let us help you guide you down that path of longevity. We’ll be like a Sherpa guiding you through the Branding Mountains. You can get in touch with us here.