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#FollowFriday: Get Out Of The House

Despite the popular belief that we at Caledon Virtual sit behind our computers for hours on end, barely moving except for typing and mouse movement, we enjoy getting out of the house, letting our hair down and seeing other people face to face. We’re looking forward to a massive amount of fun this weekend. The … Continued

#FollowFriday: The Tale of Socket Customer Service

We’re going to let you in on a secret; we at Caledon Virtual are professional communicators. In the 21st century, that means we do much of our professional communicating online. We asked our phone and Internet provider, Socket, to add a secondary line last Wednesday. Because the line was being put in, we had no … Continued

#FollowFriday: @KimberMedia

We love family. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, fishing expeditions; you name it. That’s why we’re so excited to highlight our sister-company KimberMedia today. Kimber is an agency specializing in social media, SEO, and website maintenance that’s owned and operated by Michael and Nelly Roach and Tom and Kim Trabue. They’ve hired some nifty people along the way … Continued

#FollowFriday: The Columbia Chamber of Commerce

First and foremost at Caledon Virtual, we love cats. Seriously. Fluffy cats, Siamese cats; doesn’t matter. Cats, cats, cats. Second of all, we’re business people (Wait a moment. I’m being told we’re not fans of cats at all. Well…that’s a bit awkward…). As business people though, we are members, and huge fans, of the Columbia Chamber of … Continued


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